Nearly seven years ago, our family adopted a feline domestic cat name Thor from Nashville, TN. Our children chose that name because he looks like Tiger or, for a better sense of the word, he was fearless, powerful, and seemed to rule the world. However, don’t let the name deceive you. He was also a loving cat who always wanted to be held or sit in your lap.
Thor thrives on attention either from the kids or our german shepherd. Thor also loves to travel. He always perched up on my shoulder ready to take on the world whereever we would go. As time went on, Thor lived up to his name. What happened next made us realized that his name was indeed a perfect match.
Thor has always been a healthy cat until after Christmas of 2020. Thor began to show signs something was wrong. He would no longer want anyone to hold him. He began to hide and didn’t want to come out and play. Even our German Shephard sense something was wrong when he tried to lure him out of his house. He even began crying out as if he was in pain. We quickly got him to the vet and determined he had a stage 4 bladder disease.
They were guardedly optimistic, telling us he might not recover. They started him on fluids and placed a catheter in to help relieve the bladder. They administered drugs to help fight any infections and to restore his bladder. Thor was in the hospital for seven days. The doctor told us that it was up to Thor how he bounces back and recovers.
Well, Thor wasn’t going down without a fight. After day three, Thor began to show improvement. By days four and five, he no longer had the disease and was interacting with the staff. The doctor finally released him on the seventh day-- but not without a hefty price tag on the vet bill.
Thor is like family. Nothing would stop me from ensuring he is well and healthy. I knew many of our finances had to be on hold. I dumped every bit of my last paycheck into providing Thor the proper care he needed.
The year 2020 was indeed the worst year ever. The COVID pandemic caused me to lose my job for few months, and all our children were home on virtual learning. Christmas expenses didn’t help much, and to top it off, we lost our 11-year-old son on Easter morning from an asthma attack.
I knew I needed help. I researched online and found Brown Dog Foundation. They came to my rescue during this difficult time. I wasn’t looking for a handout, but they made it easy for me to recoup some of the money I lost while paying them back in installment to help fund other people who need their assistance through a VetBilling Repayment Plan.
Thank you, Brown Dog Foundation, for the support you gave me. I will always be in debt to you.