My husband Finley and I love cocker spaniels, having had one male cocker named Topaz. We had Topaz for fifteen wonderful years of fun, love and companionship. In June of 2001, on a routine shopping day, I stopped into the pet store and first set eyes on Cinderella. She was an eight week old fuzz ball. I was awestruck and asked to play with her for awhile in the play area. My husband who had just come into the play area said "I'm not sure about this, we have to visit my mother in one week". Cinderella looked at him ran and grabbed on the his pants' hem and she would not let go. My husband walked around the whole store with Cinderella attached to him. I knew this was a sign that she would be our baby. Cinderella has been with us since that day, playing, laughing, loving and making everyone around her happy.
A couple of weeks ago, while on my lap, I discovered she had a growth on her right rear side. I nearly fainted. Our veterinarian said the tumor had to be removed and biopsied. My husband, now disabled, and I live on a fixed income and the surgery would cost $788. a prohibitive amount on our income. We found the Brown Dog Foundation on-line and they immediately sprung into action. A week later we had our commitment letter. Cinderella received her surgery at Croton Animal Hospital
two days ago. The Brown Dog Foundation staff were so patient with us, so compassionate that it was a real pleasure meeting them.
Cinderella is now resting quietly at home surrounded by her elderly adoring pet parents who cater to her every whimper. We are so grateful to the Brown Dog Foundation for helping us face the financial aspects of this situation. Had it not been for them, my only other option would of been to let her die naturally.
Cinderella's Treatment was made possible through the generous donations to the Mizrahi-McCray Wedding.
Cinderella as a puppy in 2001