ALL the PetTreater Toys!
COVID-appropriate PetTreater Toys!
Daisy's Favorite Toys!
Mr. More... striking a pose!
Daisy is one beautiful girl...
Be still my heart...
The best mile!
In October, 2020 both Daisy and Claymore were diagnosed with lung cancer just weeks apart. This news was devastating to their family. Daisy was 12 and had lived a long and full life and even Claymore, at ten, was also aged for a boxer. But, truly both seemed so young in spirit for this family to consider saying goodbye. Intervention would not buy a cure... life extension would only prolong the inevitable by mere weeks. As such, the family agreed to give the best available, but not to intervene with heroic measures. They made Daisy and Claymore comfortable and provided all of the love and comfort a family could muster. Both dogs enjoyed 5 more happy months including one last Thanksgiving, Christmas, New Years and Valentine's Day.
These boxers had a charmed life - living in Tennessee, Virginia and SoCal and traveling across country more than once to get from home to home. They witnessed more of America than the majority of their canine counterparts ever have the chance. Their daddy, a career Marine Corp Combat Engineer Officer, taught them to be strong and protective of his girls. Their momma, a brilliant University Professor, taught them to be nurturing and loving toward her family. And their human sister, a persistent and charming future Writer, just loved them to the ends of the earth. This family made their whole world about these dogs... hikes, walks, runs, lazy days, fun days, games, snuggles... everything!
Daisy lost her battle on Saturday, March 6, 2021 around 4pm Eastern Time. Claymore was by her side, through to the end as any strong and loyal companion would be. Claymore lost his battle on Monday, March 8, 2021 just before 4pm Eastern Time just shy of 48 hours later. Both were comforted by their human family as they crossed the Rainbow Bridge.
This Adopt a Family Fund was established by their Auntie Carol to celebrate the beautiful bond she witnessed between these two dogs and their loving family. Saving a family pet in their honor is a good deed.