Friday says "Hello from Tennessee"! She is resting, eating well and hoping for good pathology results any day now! I'm eternally grateful for Brown Dog Foundation stepping in to help us.
My boyfriend & I adopted Friday in 2013, after seeing THOSE EYES on a local Facebook page. When my boyfriend passed away suddenly last January, our life was shattered. She was heartbroken and waited by the door for weeks. I started taking her out to lots of events and to socialize. We have helped each other through the grief of this past 15 months. She has been my reason to get out of the house and try to move forward with life.
When she got this diagnosis, I was devastated. I started reading about costs involved and knew there was no way I could afford the immediate surgery she needed for the best chance of survival. I've followed Brown Dog Foundation for years, so I took a chance and asked...and it was a "YES"! Within five days of her diagnosis, she got her surgery! With a clear ultrasound on Tuesday, we are now waiting for histopath results to confirm they got a clear margin on the mass. Paws crossed!
PUPdate! The Oncologist confirmed through ultrasound and x-rays that the cancer has not yet metasticized AND the margins on the 2nd surgery are clean! Friday should have several great years ahead of her.