
Success Stories


TX - 2015

Our love for this furry baby “Ginger” began in the year 2009 when she came to our door one morning wet and cold and wanting in. We let her into our home and our hearts. She is a little princess, she is sweet as pie and just a bit picky.

On July 4th, 2015 I was moving my truck and she got up under the passenger rear tire and I ran right over the top of her. We took her to the vet and she was bruised and not moving. The vet said Ginger’s muscle that runs from her leg up into her chest was torn and her leg was dislocated from her hip. The vet said he thought surgery was going to be anywhere from 700 .00 to 1500.00 dollars. We were very worried about how we could afford the surgery. I got a credit card and maxed it out just for her and some friends and family helped out some, but we were still coming up a little short. I could not believe that less than $300 was forcing me to consider letting her go rather than save her!

So I contacted Brown Dog Foundation to see if we qualified for help. Thanks to Brown Dog we were able to get the surgery and they paid the remaining balance for us.

Words can’t express how much my family appreciates the generosity of the Brown Dog Foundation. Ginger is back to running, jumping and being the sweet dog our family knows. You can’t even see but a small scar now and she is doing great. We look forward to sharing many more years with this sweet dog thanks to the donors and supporters of Brown Dog!
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