Hailey came into my life back in March 2012. My ex-wife and I went to rescue a pet for our company, kids were grown and out of the house. We walked into the Hulen Humane Society and Hailey was the very first thing we saw. They had her in a kennel right by front door. My wife at the time said “oh we have to pick her.” And I said “well let's take a look at all the others first.” We went to the back and continued looking, there were plenty of good choices but we went with the wife and her choice of the cute little white dog by the door.
From the minute we got in the car she became a daddy's girl. Riding home in my lap and continuing with sitting, laying, walking all beside me everywhere we went.
Well I went through a divorce later on in 2014 and it was a very easy choice of where Hailey was going. My ex, as we were sitting and going over items to split and figure out, automatically said “well we know we don't have to discuss Hailey that's pretty well settled.” So she has been with me ever since and I wouldn't know what to do without her.
I recently have been down on my luck the past few months or so. I have had major back and hip issues for over a year and finally started getting proper care. On August 28th, 2019 I went through a SI Fusion which means they used 4 titanium implants to put my hip back together to my tailbone. I am recovering and also still getting back treatments, but have been out of work going on 3 months with only 60% pay (short term disability) and unable to come up with the emergency money needed for Hailey.
I am truly grateful for Brown Dog Foundation for all the amazing help. It is a blessing to have people and groups as such that care and are able to assist people in need. I definitely look forward to taking care of my agreement and when totally back to work and able I will be making donations if possible to this Foundation.
Thanks again with all my heart.