Desert Hugh is an eight year old Weimaraner who comes from a deep rooted animal loving family. He is the only one left at home now with my wife and I; and for the past year, he has been treated for a malignant tumor known as nasal carcinoma. Yesterday, we took Hugh on his favorite 4hr drive to the Vet Cancer clinic in Albuquerque where sadly, we were told the tumor is still active. It is a troubling time period; however, we are forever grateful to the Brown Dog Foundation and supporters who came to our aid yesterday with Hugh’s higher than usual medical costs. We are also thankful to our daughter who located Brown Dog Foundation through the internet and helped us with requesting their assistance. She and her husband have a young little Boston Terrier named Roscoe; solely because of Hugh. They saw the love and happiness Hugh brings to our home and others he surrounds. At our house, you might say he is ”Head of Household!” Thank you to all who love Desert Hugh because he loves and deserves his LIFE! -----Tony and Pat Borneo
This grant made possible by
Brennin for Brown Dog - a monthly singer/songwriter night at That's CooL