Living through Giving - Jocelyn Mizrahi & Boo Dog LifeStyles

Dog Mom's Living through Giving Support Methods:

Dog Mom LifeStyles Annual Subscription Benefactor

Brown Dog Monthly Fetch Subscriber

Patron's Wine Dinner Attendee / Auction Supporter

Mizrahi - McCray Wedding Donor

Jocelyn’s commitment to Brown Dog Foundation runs deep as she originally found Brown Dog when she decided to ask her guests to donate to our organization in lieu of receiving gifts at her wedding. Jocelyn is drawn to Brown Dog’s mission of being a bridge to help pets receive funds for needed medical care because, “I never want someone to have to choose between life and death because they just needed some financial help,” she said. “That to me is such an unfair choice in today’s world.”

Sign up for a Dog Mom Ritual Box HERE!

Jocelyn Mizrahi’s Dog Mom Lifestyles

Improving the Lives of Pets and Their Parents

Jocelyn Mizrahi knows the importance of a dog’s love. When she was experiencing stress-related health issues, her pups helped her as much as modern medicine. She credits her canine friends for their abilities to be “ambassadors of prioritizing chill” and helping her be “present in the moment” as a main component of her successful health journey.

In the wake of her experience, she decided to create a business, Dog Mom Lifestyles, that helps pets and their moms enjoy a happy, fulfilled life. “I curate special subscription boxes that hold space for our wonderful community of dog moms because I know a life with less stress and more well-being can start with just one simple ritual of self-care for both moms and their dogs,” Jocelyn explains.

Each box comes chockfull of unique dog treats, toys, lifestyle items, rejuvenating gifts and a doggie surprise, but that’s just the beginning. Jocelyn donates one dollar from the sale of each box to a different animal charity each month, and Brown Dog Foundation is fortunate to be an annual recipient. Go to to check out her subscription box and read about her efforts to help animals across the nation.

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