$5/month ($60/year)
(funds one initial vet visit when a family cannot afford it)
$10/month ($120/year)
(funds pre-surgical bloodwork or xrays )
$15/month ($180/year)
(funds 2-4 months of most chronic medications necessary to keep a pet alive & healthy)
$20/month ($240/year)
(funds most minor surgeries or 6-9 month supply of most heart medications)
$25/month ($300/year)
(funds a 6-9 month supply of most chronic medications or minor surgeries)
Adopt A Family!
$50/mont h ($600/year)
(funds cystotomy (urinary stones), TPLO/ACL surgeries, limb removal, eye enuculation)
$75/month ($900/year)
(funds most major and emergent surgeries and some cancer treatments)
$100/month ($1200/year)
(funds repair of limb, most short-term cancer treatments and most emergent conditions)