
Success Stories


Tennessee Fund - 2012

I can attest to the wonderful work of Brown Dog Foundation. In February, 2012, my sweet Paddington was diagnosed with Addison's disease, which, if not medically managed, is fatal. IF medically managed, he leads a normal life. 

THE premium treatment is a monthly shot, which due to Paddy's size, is $200 per month. There was no way I could afford that, and I turned to Brown Dog Foundation. For the first year, they paid $150 PER MONTH for the shot while I paid the balance. 

Since then, I've had switched to the second best, and only $150 per month, treatment, but Paddington is still alive and going strong...charming as ever. It's still a struggle to cover the cost, and I have to take it one week at a time to be able to buy his pills. My point, though, is because of and thanks to Brown Dog Foundation, I was able to have the time to learn about the disease and find an alternative treatment that I can (almost) manage.

So, please become acquainted with Brown Dog Foundation. You may need them someday. And, if you've a mind to, they could use your help with any donation you may care to make. 


A portion of Paddington's treatment is made possible by the generosity of the Cereceres-Bickell Wedding
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